Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Still Figuring!!

My sister is giving birth soon on this coming Thursday (Malaysia time). She will go for operation (i forgot how to spell that word, c fession??) instead of natural born. Heard it's time for the little to come out, he's not allowed to stay in there any longer. So my sister now is in the hospital and waiting for the day. Everything is set except the chinese (i dont care for that anymore) and the present. Well, guess i will get something useful, long lasting that her next children, or more, can use it. Maybe by the time i married and have a kid, my children can use it too. I already got something on my mind, but it's still too early to buy for him, or her. So i guess i just save up this month pay for myself and keep the next month for him, or her...:D


Kiat said...

C-Section, a.k.a Cesarean Section;-)

Jordan said...

Arrr....that's what i keep thinking about.....you seems know well....you do that before?

Kiat said...

no, I just happen to know:-P